7 situations where the Tingdedynen can make a difference Skip to content


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7 situationer hvor Tyngdedynen kan gøre en forskel

7 situations where the Tingdedynen can make a difference

For some, the weighted blanket is a permanent part of the sleep ritual.

For others, it is a help in situations or periods when sleep is a problem; an extra tool in the toolbox that can be pulled out when the need arises. Here at home, there are seven situations in particular where the weighted blanket has made a big difference for us and our two boys. I wonder if you can nod in recognition to a few of them?

1. Tiger jump

Our youngest son was generally quite easy to fall asleep with as a baby. But there was a clear shift when his development was particularly rapid; he had difficulty finding peace and the swaddling dragged on. During these periods, we used the weighted blanket for the evening swaddling. It calmed his little chubby arms and legs, which otherwise would have pushed out the pacifier and made it difficult for him to settle down.

2. Up early

Our firstborn has always been an early riser, and so his days usually started at 5 a.m. Until we saw a clear connection between him sleeping with the weighted blanket through the night and waking up later. That's why we always check to see if he has his weighted blanket on when one of us wakes up at night. It gives him an hour to an hour and a half more sleep at the other end, and that can be felt in his mood – both his and ours.

3. Warm summer naps

Both of our boys slept their naps in strollers, and on summer days it could get really hot - even in the shade. Sleeping uncovered, or with just a cloth diaper, just didn't work! They couldn't find peace at all. With the weighted blanket, they got the peace and security they needed to fall asleep and stay asleep, but without boiling over.

4. When baby learned to sit up in the stroller

I wonder if most parents have experienced a period where they needed some deep breathing when baby learned to sit up in the stroller/crib? The weighted blanket helped at home. Not because it holds baby down (absolutely not), but because the stimulation from the granules gives baby immediate peace in his own body. And when the body is allowed to lie still, fatigue usually comes creeping up.

5. The Night Parties

Our youngest had a long period of night terrors! He would be awake 2-4 hours a night, tossing and turning. I remember being grateful that at least he wasn't upset, but damn I was devastated the next day. Often there was nothing to do but wait for him to go to bed on his own. But sometimes the weighted blanket helped; it was a signal to him that it was time for bed.

6. When the afternoon nap became redundant

As big brother approached 3.5 years old, it became harder and harder for him to take naps. When he went from one nap to none, he still needed a nap a couple of times a week. But it was hard for him to fall asleep. The weighted blanket made a big difference, helping him to fall asleep quickly on the days when the need for a nap was there.

7. Overstimulation

Need I say more? I wonder if most parents have sat with an overstimulated baby who couldn't find peace, despite being very tired? The weighted blanket helps us in the cuddling situation when the day's experiences have settled in the little bodies. Both the little one and the big one benefit from the weight when the body needs help finding peace.

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