Can a baby sleep too much?
If your newborn baby sleeps a lot and you are concerned about this, you should be aware that young children generally cannot sleep too much. Your baby needs a lot of rest and sleep to develop cognitively and physically, and therefore it is usually a sign of health that your baby spends many hours of the day in dreamland.
In this article, we will explore how many hours of sleep newborns generally need, why sleep is so important for a child's development, and what to do if you continue to worry about your child.
How many hours of sleep does a baby need per day?
A good rule of thumb is that newborns need about 18 hours of sleep per day. However, how much babies sleep varies from person to person, and you may find that your child sleeps more or less than 18 hours per day. This should generally not be a cause for concern.
There can be a big difference in how long newborns sleep at a time, but in the first few months it is normal for babies to sleep for a few hours at a time.
Also read: Why does my child sleep restlessly?
Why is the need for sleep so great in newborns?
We humans cannot live without sleep. Lack of sleep not only makes us tired, but it can also negatively affect our mood, ability to concentrate, etc. However, there is a big difference in how much sleep we need, and newborns in particular need a lot of sleep. But what is the explanation for the fact that an infant needs more than twice as much sleep as their parents?
First and foremost, babies need a lot of sleep and rest to process all the new sensory impressions and experiences, and it is a fact that good sleep is crucial for a baby's mental and physical development. If your child does not sleep enough and well, it will negatively affect the child's development. While young children generally cannot sleep too much, they can sleep too little.
The child's sleep needs are continuously decreasing
During the first two years of a child's life, they will have slept for over half of their life. It may seem overwhelming, but as described in the previous section, there is a good reason why toddlers need extra sleep.
As the child gets older, however, the need for sleep will gradually decrease. When the child is 7-12 months old, 14-15 hours of sleep per day will often be sufficient, while children aged 1-3 years typically need 12-14 hours of sleep per day.
Read also: Wakefulness needs and the right time to put to bed
If you are still concerned that your baby sleeps a lot
If you are still concerned about your baby's well-being because he or she sleeps a lot, you may want to reach out to your health visitor. In the vast majority of cases, there will be no cause for concern, but we always recommend seeking advice if your child's sleep needs or sleep patterns are a source of concern.