Luxury Bed Sling – Safe & Soft Comfort for Your Baby Skip to content


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Sengeslange, Skab ro, beskyttelse og tryghed for barnet

Bed hose, Create peace, protection and security for the child


Imagine a soft, brightly colored snake elegantly winding along the edge of your little one's bed. This bed snake is not just a pillow, but a good friend that sends your child safely and comfortably off to dreamland. It creates a cozy space where imagination can flourish and where the child can find security and peace.

At Lalatoto we are proud to offer bed hoses, or multinestes as we call them, of the highest quality. Below we reveal why a bed hose is a fantastic investment for families with young children, and what makes our version of the bed hose special.

What is a bed snake?

A bed rail is a soft, oblong cushion that is placed along the edge of the cot, and acts as a safe barrier against falls and bumps. It is not only decorative, but also practical, as it creates a safe and cozy space where your child can sleep safely. The bed rail is a great alternative to a bed rail – a product that we also offer.

The bed hose can, for example, be used to protect during sleep, function as a play station on the floor, or to create a cozy reading nook.

Bed hose for cot

A bed rail is a practical and safe solution for the crib, helping to keep your child safe and comfortable.

Our bed hose can be used by both the small baby and the toddler. For the small baby, the bed hose can function as a small cozy nest, while it can be used as a bed edge for the toddler.

Toddlers are particularly fond of the bed tube, as it can help create a soft and comfortable surround in the child's bed. Some toddlers find that the crib can feel a bit big and unsafe at first, but with a bed tube from Lalatoto your little son or daughter will feel more secure and comfortable.

Bed hose for the play station and reading nook

Our bed tube, which you may also know as a multinest , is not only perfect for the crib when you want to increase your child's comfort and security. Your child will also be able to enjoy the bed tube when cuddling, playing or reading aloud.

Du finder vores sengeslange i 6 skønne farver, og du kan læse meget mere om den lige her.

Toddler Bumper

1.599,00 kr

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Toddler Bumper

The special thing about the bed snake at Lalatoto

Our bed hose doesn't just stand out through its name (we call it a Luxury bed hose, as you know). There are also several other unique things about our product:

  1. It is equipped with weight along its entire length (just like you know it from our weighted blanket )
  2. It is 2.5 meters long.
  3. It has a filling of organic kapok and natural stone ( read all about kapok here )
  4. It is produced in a Danish-owned sewing factory in Vietnam.

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