The weighted blanket helps your child to have a good and safe night's sleep
The Original Weighted Blanket for Babies from LALATOTO
We are proud to offer what we ourselves wished for as parents of a baby with restless sleep— a baby-friendly weighted blanket. Our popular weighted blanket is designed to help your child achieve a safe and restful night’s sleep.
Does your child have trouble falling asleep? Do they sleep restlessly, wake up multiple times during the night, and seem tired and unsettled during the day? Then the weighted blanket from LALATOTO could be the solution.
Our weighted blanket wraps gently around your child, providing a comforting, deep pressure that helps them drift into sleep. The light weight of the blanket creates a safe and soothing feeling, making it easier for your child to relax. The result? A better night’s sleep and more energy for both your child and you as parents.
Danish-Designed Weighted Blanket for Children – Highest Quality
At LALATOTO, we take pride in offering exclusively Danish-designed products, and our weighted blanket for children is no exception. Every little detail in the design has been carefully considered to ensure we provide the best weighted blanket for the youngest members of the family.
Just like our other products, our weighted blanket is made with respect for the people who craft them. Production takes place in a Danish-owned sewing workshop, where skilled seamstresses hand-sew each blanket with great care, professionalism, and a passion for craftsmanship.
We never compromise on quality, which is why our weighted blankets for children are made from the finest materials. The blankets are crafted from tightly woven, Oeko-Tex certified cotton, ensuring a safe and high-quality sleep experience.
A Quiet and Cooling Weighted Blanket
For a restful sleep, your child needs peace and comfort. That’s why we’ve developed an almost silent weighted blanket, designed to provide a calm and undisturbed sleep every night.
Our weighted blanket is also a great option for older, more sensitive children who may be easily disturbed by external sounds during the night. Additionally, the blanket has a cooling effect, making it ideal for children who tend to get warm while sleeping.
Thousands of Families Trust the Original Weighted Blanket from LALATOTO
We are incredibly proud to have designed and developed one of the most popular weighted blankets for children on the market. Since LALATOTO launched, we have sent countless weighted blankets to families across Denmark, and the feedback has been overwhelmingly positive and heartwarming.
We hope and believe that our weighted blanket will be a success in your home too.
A Great Alternative to the Traditional Ball Blanket
LALATOTO’s Original Weighted Blanket is an excellent alternative to the classic ball blanket. While traditional ball blankets contain small, golf ball-sized spheres, our weighted blanket is filled with natural stone, providing a quiet and comfortable experience.
Unlike many ball blankets, our weighted blanket is both silent and cooling, making it a preferred choice for municipalities across the country.
Find the Perfect Weighted Blanket for Your Child
On this page, you can find the ideal weighted blanket for your child using our filters. You can sort by size, color, and age group to make the best selection.
We offer weighted blankets in three different sizes:
Baby Weighted Blanket – 70 x 100 cm (2 kg) – Suitable for children aged 6–12 months
Junior Weighted Blanket – 100 x 140 cm (3.5 kg) – Suitable for children aged 1–5 years
We only recommend using our weighted blanket for children who are at least 6 months old and weigh a minimum of 5 kg.
Our popular weighted blanket for children is also available in several beautiful color combinations.
Sibling Discount – Save on Your Second Weighted Blanket
Are you a parent of two children struggling with sleep issues? At LALATOTO, we offer a sibling discount, allowing you to buy a second weighted blanket at half price.
To redeem this offer, simply add two weighted blankets to your cart and use the discount code "Tvilling" at checkout.
Free Delivery on Weighted Blankets for Toddlers
At LALATOTO, we offer free shipping on orders over DKK 600, so you can have your child's weighted blanket delivered at no extra cost.
You can choose whether to have the blanket delivered to your private address or a nearby parcel shop. As a LALATOTO customer, you’ll also enjoy fast delivery within 1–3 business days, unless otherwise stated on the product page.
Extend the Life of Your Weighted Blanket with Extra Covers
In addition to high-quality weighted blankets for children, we also offer premium duvet covers made from exceptionally soft cotton.
A duvet cover protects your weighted blanket, prolonging its lifespan while adding an extra layer of comfort and security for your child.
Our duvet covers, like our weighted blankets, are available in three sizes: 70 x 100 cm and 100 x 140 cm.
The Original Weighted Blanket for Babies from LALATOTO
We are proud to offer what we ourselves wished for as parents of a baby with restless sleep— a baby-friendly weighted blanket. Our popular weighted blanket is designed to help your child achieve a safe and restful night’s sleep.
Does your child have trouble falling asleep? Do they sleep restlessly, wake up multiple times during the night, and seem tired and unsettled during the day? Then the weighted blanket from LALATOTO could be the solution.
Our weighted blanket wraps gently around your child, providing a comforting, deep pressure that helps them drift into sleep. The light weight of the blanket creates a safe and soothing feeling, making it easier for your child to relax. The result? A better night’s sleep and more energy for both your child and you as parents.
Danish-Designed Weighted Blanket for Children – Highest Quality
At LALATOTO, we take pride in offering exclusively Danish-designed products, and our weighted blanket for children is no exception. Every little detail in the design has been carefully considered to ensure we provide the best weighted blanket for the youngest members of the family.
Just like our other products, our weighted blanket is made with respect for the people who craft them. Production takes place in a Danish-owned sewing workshop, where skilled seamstresses hand-sew each blanket with great care, professionalism, and a passion for craftsmanship.
We never compromise on quality, which is why our weighted blankets for children are made from the finest materials. The blankets are crafted from tightly woven, Oeko-Tex certified cotton, ensuring a safe and high-quality sleep experience.
A Quiet and Cooling Weighted Blanket
For a restful sleep, your child needs peace and comfort. That’s why we’ve developed an almost silent weighted blanket, designed to provide a calm and undisturbed sleep every night.
Our weighted blanket is also a great option for older, more sensitive children who may be easily disturbed by external sounds during the night. Additionally, the blanket has a cooling effect, making it ideal for children who tend to get warm while sleeping.
Thousands of Families Trust the Original Weighted Blanket from LALATOTO
We are incredibly proud to have designed and developed one of the most popular weighted blankets for children on the market. Since LALATOTO launched, we have sent countless weighted blankets to families across Denmark, and the feedback has been overwhelmingly positive and heartwarming.
We hope and believe that our weighted blanket will be a success in your home too.
A Great Alternative to the Traditional Ball Blanket
LALATOTO’s Original Weighted Blanket is an excellent alternative to the classic ball blanket. While traditional ball blankets contain small, golf ball-sized spheres, our weighted blanket is filled with natural stone, providing a quiet and comfortable experience.
Unlike many ball blankets, our weighted blanket is both silent and cooling, making it a preferred choice for municipalities across the country.
Find the Perfect Weighted Blanket for Your Child
On this page, you can find the ideal weighted blanket for your child using our filters. You can sort by size, color, and age group to make the best selection.
We offer weighted blankets in three different sizes:
Baby Weighted Blanket – 70 x 100 cm (2 kg) – Suitable for children aged 6–12 months
Junior Weighted Blanket – 100 x 140 cm (3.5 kg) – Suitable for children aged 1–5 years
We only recommend using our weighted blanket for children who are at least 6 months old and weigh a minimum of 5 kg.
Our popular weighted blanket for children is also available in several beautiful color combinations.
Sibling Discount – Save on Your Second Weighted Blanket
Are you a parent of two children struggling with sleep issues? At LALATOTO, we offer a sibling discount, allowing you to buy a second weighted blanket at half price.
To redeem this offer, simply add two weighted blankets to your cart and use the discount code "Tvilling" at checkout.
Free Delivery on Weighted Blankets for Toddlers
At LALATOTO, we offer free shipping on orders over DKK 600, so you can have your child's weighted blanket delivered at no extra cost.
You can choose whether to have the blanket delivered to your private address or a nearby parcel shop. As a LALATOTO customer, you’ll also enjoy fast delivery within 1–3 business days, unless otherwise stated on the product page.
Extend the Life of Your Weighted Blanket with Extra Covers
In addition to high-quality weighted blankets for children, we also offer premium duvet covers made from exceptionally soft cotton.
A duvet cover protects your weighted blanket, prolonging its lifespan while adding an extra layer of comfort and security for your child.
Our duvet covers, like our weighted blankets, are available in three sizes: 70 x 100 cm and 100 x 140 cm.
Vores kunder siger
Sheila Fuglsang

Nicolaj og Sara som vi kender.
Lalatoto er hush little one's nye navn. Med samme fantastiske produkter og de samme søde mennesker. Køb køb 🤩
Dato for oplevelse: 4. nov. 2024
Mille Hallgreen

Verdens bedste redning til forældre og deres børn.
Vi har igennem flere år brugt produkter fra LALATOTO. Både deres babydyne, juniordyne og deres natdragter til vores drenge, med stor succes.
Sara og Nicolaj er altid hurtige til at svare og vejlede i den bedste oplevelse af deres produkter.
Jeg vil altid anbefale det skønne firma og deres geniale produkter!
Dato for oplevelse: 3. nov. 2024

Et valg du ikke fortryder!!
Et valg du ikke fortryder!!
(Tidligere Hush Little One), fantastisk brand med fantastiske produkter. Pengene værd. God service, høj kvalitet
Dato for oplevelse: 4. nov. 2024
Anne Sofie Evert

Overgik alle mine forventninger.
Oplevelsen med at handle ved lalatoto (tidl. Hush little one) overgår virkelig alle mine forventninger. Jeg tør næsten ikke sige det højt, men min datter er gået fra meget urolig søvn med mange opvågninger til at sove lange stræk på op til syv timer med dynen og nesten allerede fra 6 mdr.
Derudover tror jeg ærlig talt aldrig, at jeg har oplevet så varm, personlig og samtidig professionel kundeservice før. Imponerende hurtig levering og behagelig og kompetent sparring.
Endelig skal det jo nævnes, at Lalatoto har stor fokus på social bæredygtighed hvilket kommer til udtryk i kvaliteten af produktet og produktionsforholdene - så udover at støtte en dansk iværksættervirksomhed, så kan du ovenikøbet have en god følelse med produktionen. Jeg kan med andre ord ikke anbefale lalatoto nok!
Dato for oplevelse: 4. nov. 2024
Mette H.

God og meget hurtig kundeservice.
Jeg oplevede en god og meget hurtig service. Jeg bestilte dynen mandag aften og modtog pakken onsdag formiddag. Dynen er virkelig lækker og det virker som om, at den er ved at blive accepteret af modtageren.
Dato for oplevelse: 3. nov. 2024
Tine Damgaard

Lækre produkter og god service
Lækre produkter (dog venter vi lidt på effekt af tyngdedyne :D), flot webshop, men det vigtigste af alt: rigtig god service og hurtig forsendelse. Jeg søgte råd angående noget teknisk med inden jeg bestilte og jeg fik en meget grundigt svar, også med reference til danske myndigheders anbefalinger indenfor området. Da jeg så modtog ordren lå der en fin lille personlig hilsen med, med ønsket om god søvn. Helt klart anbefalelsesværdigt! Produkterne er ikke de billigste, MEN helt klart pengene værd, da andre producenter ikke har samme kvalitet (hold øje med alle de gode rabatkoder der løbende er;) )
Dato for oplevelse: 19. dec. 2024
Stine Bølling

Sengeslangen var min redning som gravid
Som gravid som jeg utrolig dårlig! Blev anbefalet en “graviditetspølse”.
En besked til Sara, som besvarede mine spørgsmål på den mest imødekommende og varme måde. Jeg købte sengeslangen. Som fra dag ét reddede min søvn, smerter og lign om natten. Det er lidt tyngde i den, så den altså er lidt tung og derfor bliver liggende. Man får ikke bare lige skubbet den ud af sengen, og den har en tykkelse som gør at den ikke “bare” klasker sammen mellem ens ben. Den var seriøst guld værd! Og jeg vil anbefale den til alle gravide😍
Nu har vores datter overtaget den, da den gør hendes seng mindre og tryg. Tak for jer!
Dato for oplevelse: 19. nov. 2024
Simone Rønhøj Villumsen

Sara & Nicolaj fra Lalatoto kender du sikkert fra Hush little One som var i løvens hule.
Samme fantastiske produkter blot under et nyt navn! Tyngdedynen har gjort en kæmpe forskel for vores dreng siden han var 6 måneder i forhold til motorisk uro og så snart deres sengerand kom på lager måtte jeg også eje den. Den skuffer på ingen måde. Jeg elsker at den har stof som kan komme under madrassen, så sovemiljøet er helt trygt og sikkert. Det er ikke sidste gang jeg handler hos Lalatoto!
Dato for oplevelse: 3. nov. 2024
Christine T

Fntastisk produkt til babys søvn
Vores søn på 4 måneder har indtil nu kun ville falde i søvn
i bevægelse i enten slyngvugge eller barnevogn. Vi har prøvet alt, men valgte
at give jeres tyngdedyne et forsøg og han er nu for første gang faldet nemt og
hurtigt i søvn i sin SENG. Tusind tak for et godt produkt 🧡
Dato for oplevelse: 4. nov. 2024
Johanne Ellne Fllg

Bedste service, bedste produkter.
Tyngdedynen har vi været så glade for, multinesten har
simpelthen redet vores søn’s søvn fra han var helt lille. Vi tager den stadig
med overalt ved overnatning, den ville vi ikke kunne leve uden. TAK
Dato for oplevelse: 4. nov. 2024
Stinne Pedersen

Fantastisk produkter og ikke mindst fantastisk service!Havde et par spørgsmål inden mit køb at multinesten og de
stod klar med det samme for at hjælpe. En virkelig nærværende lille perle.
Dato for oplevelse: 13. nov. 2024
Tina Nolsø

Super fast service and the product was perfect.
Super fast service and the product was perfect 😊
Dato for oplevelse: 8 jan. 2025
Julie Zeuthen

Lovely weighted blanket and multinest .
Good customer service, delicious products (have bought multinest and weighted blanket) and fast delivery - very satisfied 😊
Dato for oplevelse: Nov 13, 2024
Didde F

Huge recommendation!
We are so happy with their weighted blanket and multinest, it has made our daughter sleep much better. Really great products!
Dato for oplevelse: Nov 4, 2024

We FINALLY got uninterrupted sleep again.
We FINALLY got consistent sleep again after we got the weighted blanket and multi-stone from Lalatoto. I can't recommend their products enough! 🙌🏼❤️
Dato for oplevelse: Nov 4, 2024
Sara Schandorph

Huge recommendation and high5 from here.
I've shopped with them (when they were called 'hush little one') and their products are so delicious and indispensable. Now waiting for their new bed skirt to hopefully come in stock in the color I want 😍
Dato for oplevelse: Nov 4, 2024
Fie Lillerøj

10000 stars if possible 🤩
My son's sleep was saved by YOU and your weighted blanket . We went from long naps to 2-3 minute naps and best of all - long stretches of sleep.
Dato for oplevelse: Nov 3, 2024
Questions and Answers | Frequently asked
A weighted duvet gives the child a gentle pressure on the whole body. The duvet covers the child's
body close, so that the arms and legs also find rest - like a wrap, just without restraint.
A weighted duvet is effective in all sleeping positions. Whatever the child prefers to sleep on
back, side or stomach, the weight and the granules stimulate equally well. Especially tumblers have
tossing and turning in sleep, but the weight and envelopment of the duvet can help the child not wake himself.
A weighted blanket is also easy to use. It is simply placed over the child, just like
with a regular duvet. At the same time, it is easy to control the temperature without
disturb sleep. Should the child get too hot, you can gently give air to the legs and feet
feet. If the child feels cold, simply add a blanket or an ordinary down comforter on top
the gravity mattress.
A weighted duvet has no age, so you don't have to fear when the baby/child
grows out of it or starts to get up in bed. For some, restlessness in sleep is one
completed chapter within the first 2 years of the child's life, but for others continues
the need for regulation somewhat longer, and here a gravity mattress can be a great help.
Yes! Many babies and toddlers are inherently warm, which is why we have opted out of lining the duvet. This means that our weighted duvet gives off very little heat, and is therefore particularly suitable for hot children, hot summer nights and hot afternoon naps in the pram, where the child may find it difficult to find peace without the security of a duvet.
This also means that in the cold months it will often be necessary to dress baby in extra nightwear or even put a regular down duvet on top of the weighted duvet. Please note that it is important that the weighted duvet is closest to the child's body in order to achieve the full effect.
Our weighted duvet immediately feels cold on the skin when it is put into use, so we recommend that you make sure that the duvet is nice and warm when it is put into use. Warm it, for example, on a radiator, in a ray of sunlight or over your own body before use.
Your child will thank you.
All our weighted duvets are produced in Oeko-tex certified cotton, which ensures that the textile is free of substances harmful to health.
The duvet's filling consists of plastic granules, which have of course been tested free of harmful chemicals and approved for, among other things, toys and food. The filling is specially selected for its ability to spread over the whole body and create a enveloping effect around the child. We have emphasized that the filling must be quiet, so that even the sensitive child can snuggle with the duvet.
You can therefore use our weighted duvet for the smallest of the family with peace of mind.
All our weighted duvets are produced in Oeko-tex certified cotton, which ensures that the textile is free of substances harmful to health.
The duvet's filling consists of natural stone, the filling is specially selected for its ability to spread over the whole body and create a enveloping effect
around the child. We have emphasized that the filling must be quiet, so that even the sensitive child can snuggle with the duvet.
You can therefore use our weighted duvet for the smallest of the family with peace of mind.
Our weighted duvet does not rustle, crackle or make noise. It was important for us to develop an almost silent duvet, especially for sensitive babies
and toddlers aged 1-3 easily become disturbed and unsafe by foreign sounds.
The weighted duvet from LALATOTO makes no more noise than an ordinary down duvet, and therefore disturbs neither you nor your sleeping child.